Design things to be replaceable, not reusable!

I love this quote by Andy Hunt

I find aiming to make things “replaceable” far better than making things reusable. Reusable means you’re fortune-telling, trying to divine an unknowable future.

This is what I’m aiming for as well especially when you bring in the Sacrificial Architecture. Love it.

As you create your architecture, design all components to be replaceable, not reusable. This is a whole lot easier nowadays with AWS and Lambda creating serverless masterpieces, for example.

What are Projections in an Event Sourced Microservice Architecture?

In this video I will show you the different types of projections in an event-based microservice architecture and how you can use them.

Projections can be created in code in your microservice or in read-models when domain events are received and processed, for example, you process a published domain event and then store the result of the analysis in Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, etc.