Steve Jobs – A passionist for the details of perfecting masterpieces in the 21st century technology era

Steve Jobs - RIP
Steve Jobs - RIP

Steve Jobs was and always will be an important part of my inspiration of creating the best software possible. The best software that people really love to use. Not just love, but, happy to use because it will make them happy to use and get their jobs done. Steve Jobs was a unique genius. I have learned so much from him. So much to be thankful about. He understood that it is about the people, about the users, that is so important to know them, really know them. Steve Jobs had passion for his creations. Steve Jobs was a passionist for the details of perfecting masterpieces of the 21st century technology era. I will miss him; but, his inspirations will live on in his creations, his motivational lectures and lessons, he will never be forgotten. It has been a rough 2 days. 😦